18 pictures made during the UK ride 1999. Mind: the pictures are larger as displayed!

Page Owner René van Maanen
Mail all attendees


Peter O'Dell (who came by car)(odellhonda@aol.com)
Chris Gamble (chris@tigcomms.demon.co.uk)
Martin Mills (Martin.Mills@wcom.co.uk)
Richard Long (rich@ollyb.demon.co.uk)
Guy Levy (guy.levy@virgin.net)
Nobby (Paul Nobbs, nobbeeboy@aol.com )
Johnny Verhoeven (johnny-from-belgium@sohc4.org)
Brian Vatteroth (bvattero@vub.ac.be)
Rene and Michael van Maanen (renevm@news.neth.hp.com)

 Location: Manston, Kent, UK

Pictures made by Rene/Michael van Maanen, Apeldoorn, NL

April 30th 18:00 Ready to leave Calais, with the Hovercraft to Dover.

May 1st 9:00 The bikes next morning

Martin's bike

That's Brian, Michael and Johnny. Michael and I already had driven 450km by then.

Guy and Aggy had already arrived the evening before, but we had not met yet

13:00 The ride: Look at all those 341's

20:00 The camping place: you would never believe how green and tidy the place was!

12:00 Other UK members started arriving
This is Johnny's bike

On the way back we dicided to pass Canterbury.

Pictures made by Richard Long, Winchester, UK. During the ride

Left to right: Brians K7, Rene's K2, some CB500, Martins K2 and Richards K2

Beatifull coast cottages

Who's that making pictures?

Richards K2, with two new exhaust

All lined up again

Richards K2

Defending the Kent coast with Guns and SOHCs

Waiting for Axel from Org's ship to arrive

The team: Peter O'Dell, Martin Mills, Guy Levy, Brian Vatteroth, Michael and Rene van Maanen and Johnny Verhoeven.
Missing: Richard Long, Chris Gamble and Nobby.


By the way: Some of you haven't met Nobby:
Nobby (Paul Nobbs) left on saturday morning with his CB750 chopper,
and after 15 miles his gascable gave up. He hitch-hiked home, and got his Kawasaki 900.
Around 50 miles before arrival it died on him.
He had to 'hotwire' the ignition switch, and arrived at the camping place at around 6PM.
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